Video interview software in the context of hiring, is a digital platform that lets organizations evaluate candidates through recorded or live video conversations asynchronously.
HR professionals and recruiters, get ahead with HeyMilo’s AI Voice Interviews. Discover trends, features, and expert tips for using AI to improve the efficiency of your recruitment strategy.
Discover how AI is transforming staffing agencies. Learn how HeyMilo AI simplifies hiring, improves candidate matching, boosts revenue and saves time.
Discover how AI is transforming recruiting agencies. Learn how HeyMilo AI simplifies hiring, improves candidate matching, and saves time.
To meet rising demands and to combat the fact that 75% of employers report difficulty in filling roles—agencies are taking proactive steps to make their outcomes and overall hiring processes better with AI recruiters.
With so many candidates to screen, Care Dynamics needed a way to ensure they could prioritize the right ones—and turn those priorities into more placements and revenue for the agency.
Virtual interview software allows organizations to assess candidates remotely through a few different methods. This can include live video calls (like Zoom), pre-recorded responses where candidates answer at their convenience (like HireVue), or AI interviews that adapt in real-time (Hello, HeyMilo).
Learn how HeyMilo’s AI tools for recruiting empowers BPOs to automate screening, reduce hiring costs, and scale recruitment efforts efficiently. Discover actionable steps for integrating AI to streamline candidate evaluation and maximize ROI in high-turnover roles.